Simple Tips And Tricks For Cutting 4x8 Sheets Of Plywood On A Table Saw

How To Cut 48 Sheets Of Plywood On A Table Saw: Easy Tips And Tricks

Anyone who has ever tried to cut plywood sheets on a table saw will know that it is difficult. You could end up with a piece that is not the right shape or size if you aren’t careful.

To cut 48 sheets of plywood using a table saw you will need a saw blade with a minimum 20 cm diameter. Next, measure your cut line and mark it. Start the saw, and then feed the plywood in slowly, following the marked line. Turn off the saw when you are done.

This blog post will explain how to ensure that your cuts are precise every time. We also offer some safety and efficiency tips when sawing.

Step By Step Cutting 48 Sheets Of Plywood On A Table Saw

These are the steps to take when you cut plywood sheets using a table saw.

Step 1 – Take Your Measurements

Accurate measurements are the first step in cutting plywood with a table saw. You might end up with a plywood piece that is not the right size if you don’t measure accurately. Once the cut has been made, it is impossible to undo!

Before you cut anything, make sure to measure twice as many times as possible and double-check your measurements. This step doesn’t require a tape measure. The board can also be used to make other measurements.

If you were to cut a piece measuring 1.2m in length and 20cm wide, your final cut would be 41cm.

If your plywood edge isn’t smooth enough for you to use as a reference point, it can be placed against a fence or stop block to make sure that you get an exact measurement before you start cutting. It is important to align everything correctly when you are sawing.

Step 2 – Attach Stops

Attaching stops to both ends of your fence will help you keep everything in line. This will allow you to keep accurate measurements when you are cutting.

Make L or T shapes from 2x4s. Attach them to the fence on both ends if you don’t have stops. The saw blade should be stopped at the edge where the longest piece of material is on the board when making your cut.

Step 3 – Use Feather Boards

Feather boards can be a valuable tool for table saws. Feather boards keep your stock securely pressed against the fence to prevent any variations in measurement that could occur while moving materials around on a tablesaw.

Feather boards reduce kickback so they’re a great option if you are starting with rough-cut plywood. Attach one to each side of the saw and make sure they are securely attached.

Step 4 – Use A Pushstick

A push stick is the best way to move materials around the table saw. However, you will need to ensure that the push stick is suitable for your task. To allow for the blade to pass through, a push stick must be at least 13cm in width.

Use your push stick against the fence, not directly into the blade.

After pushing your stock through the entire length of your board, remove any extra material from the board and lift it off the table saw. An auxiliary fence 8 inches in length can be added to protect your workpiece.

5: Use A High Quality Blade

There are many types of table saw blades. However, it is best to use high-quality carbide-tipped blades when cutting plywood. These blades can be used in many different applications and are more durable than traditional steel blades.

They last longer so you won’t need to replace them as often. The blade’s size is also important.

It all depends on the thickness of your material. Use a 22-tooth fine finishing blade (18 teeth per in) if you’re using inch stock. Use a 24-tooth fine finishing blade (16 teeth per in) for inch stock. The finer the cut, the higher the tooth count.

Step 6 – Attach Your Workpiece

Once you have your measurements and stop in place, attach plywood to table saw fence with clamps or screws. Next, attach any feather boards.

This will make sure that everything is secure when you begin cutting. It is safer to have one feather board per side of your board, and then tighten them all at once.

Make sure that they are facing away from the blade. When things are about 8 cm from being cut, you can begin tightening all your feather boards simultaneously.

It is a good idea to get the material back on track quickly if it starts moving while you are sawing.

Step 7 – Cut

Once everything is tightened up on the table saw, turn on the saw and lower your blade towards your workpiece. Once the stock has come into contact, push it through the blade until it reaches its backside.

Then stop! You can keep pushing for a few seconds until the pieces are completely cut.

The chances of the second piece coming out perfectly straight are high that nothing was moved during this cut.

After you’ve made the first cut, you can start splitting it again. This time, ensure that your material is aligned so it crosses the blade at a 45 degree angle.

You should have four pieces of plywood left attached to the original one-piece piece.

Safety Tips

These are some safety tips:

  • When using power tools, it is important to use the appropriate protective gear. To avoid injury or splintering, you should use safety goggles, hearing protection, gloves, and safety goggles.
  • Also, ensure that the blade of your table saw is sharp. A dull blade will require more force to complete the cut.
  • Before you attempt this again, replace the blade if necessary. The spare blade will be located near the machine.
  • Never attempt this process without locking down your workpiece.
  • You can either clamp your material into place with clamps or temporary fixtures, or you can use screws to mark the areas where you have to cut. These will make your job easier and safer.

How To Cut Plywood With A Table Saw

  1. To keep materials in place during cutting, use feather boards or pushsticks.
  2. Scrap lumber should not be used for push sticks as the end grain can catch the blade and kick it back.
  3. If your material is susceptible to snapping, a sacrificialboard can be used underneath your workpiece to prevent splintering. This should be used only as an emergency. It doesn’t always work.
  4. Use a guide and a sharp knife when marking where you will cut your material. The duller blades tend to break the wood rather than allowing it to be cut cleanly. This is why they should always be replaced.


Here’s how I cut 48 sheets of plywood using a table saw. After discussing safety precautions, we moved on to the cutting steps.

While the first method is quicker, it is slower and more precise. Regardless of which method you use, take your time and be careful when operating the saw.